
Annapurna Base Camp Trekking-Best Thrilling Adventure

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Annapurna base camp trekking commonly known as ABC trekking is one of the most beautiful Nepal to the height of a beautiful mountain of about 4130 m. It might be a dream to reach the high altitude of the mountain and experience beautiful views of the shining mountain, the culture and living style of the people of the high mountain as well as the flora and fauna found at the higher altitude. On reaching the base camp we can experience the forest of Rhododendron and bamboos. It is one of the best places for spending vacations and a great place for travelers to learn different aspects of natural beauty.

ABC Trekking Highlights

Trips to Annapurna base camp consist of different experiences of scenic views of the higher mountains of the Himalayas of the Annapurna range, Machhapuchhre mountain, the study of the culture of people resident on higher mountains, their living styles as well as different forests and animals found on higher altitude. The main attraction of this trek is the sunrise view at the Poon Hill viewpoint.

The journey to the Annapurna base camp starts from Pokhara– the beautiful city which is also known as the paradise of Nepal. It is about 200 km away from the capital city of Nepal-Kathmandu. We can reach Pokhara by two means of transportation deluxe bus transportation as well as domestic airways. It will cost around $20 utilizing a bus which takes around 6-7 hours to reach and around $130 utilizing airways which takes about 1 hour. Cost and time may vary as per the situation.  Actual trekking starts after reaching Pokhara.

Best time for Annapurna Base Camp Trekking

During the time of November and December, the temperature is cool but it is the best time to trek during the day and to experience clear views. If you are interested in enjoying the beautiful blossoms of Rhododendron then it will be better to trek during March- may season. Trekking to Annapurna base camp offers different beautiful moments during different seasons throughout the year. One of the best moments of viewing beautiful mountains is when morning sunshine strikes to mountains and gives shining views.

Trip Itinerary for Annapurna Base Camp Trekking

If you start your journey from Kathmandu it will take almost a single day to reach Pokhara as we can’t proceed on the same day. So the travel route may vary as per your place of starting the journey. So we make a route starting from Pokhara

1st day

Trek to Thikhedhunga will take about 3-4 hours as per your potential to walk an altitude of 1525 m from Nayapul from where the journey begins and stay at the lodge of Barudi Khola.

2nd day

Ghorepani trek: Trips continue after having some breakfast and about the walk of around 7- hours we reach Ghorepani and stay at the lodge. On this trip, you will find some beautiful views and fun traveling. Ghorepani is at an altitude of about 2800 m.

3rd day

On this day we can experience beautiful sunrise during the morning at Poon Hill viewpoint at a height of 3000 m after walking for about 1 hour. On the same day, we travel for about 5 hours to reach Tadapani and end our 3rd-day journey.

4th day

On this, we leave Tada pani and head towards Bhhumrung by walking down and walking through the forest for 1 hour and listening to beautiful songs of birds. It will take you to another level of enjoyment and we continue to walk the forest for 5 hours and reach Chhurumg and stay here.

5th day

In the early morning, we continue our journey to Dovan passing through the stream and rhododendron forest after walking for about 5 hours we reach Dovan and end our day at the lodge.

6th day

Trip to Deurali

Passing through the silent forest and scary mountains for about 7 hours we reach Deurali at an altitude of 3230 m altitude. During this journey, we can experience different natural beautiful views, landscapes, and many more.

7th day

Trip to ABC

On this, we move towards our destiny at an altitude of 4130 m.  During this travel, we pass through some dangerous places and struggle with some difficulties but the view enjoyment makes all these difficulties a sweet memory. From here we find mountains in front of our eyes and we can view some beautiful clear views of the mountains as well like Mount Dhaulagiri and Mount Machhapuchhre. It will take around 6 hrs from Deurali to reach our destination. It will provide a pleasant moment of traveling worth of travel with natural beauty. We end our day at the lodge.

It will take 3 more days to reach Nayapul again. We stay at Dovan and Jhinu before reaching Nayapul after walking dawn. From Nayapul we travel to Pokhara with beautiful memories of the Himalayas.

Annapurna Base Camp Trekking Price

Cost may vary as per your priority for transport, hotel stay, and group size. It depends on extra expenses but generally, it will cost around $ 850. It includes all the expenses of lodging and transportation costs, permits for trekking as well a guide.

These costs do not include any insurance, or extra expense other than those mentioned on the package.

Personal views: 

As we find some difficulties in certain places it will be better to be conscious of the guidelines provided. It will be better to take some lessons and tips with a guide before you start the journey. You must be fit before you start your journey. With the increase in height, you may suffer altitude sickness, coldness, and some difficulties while walking.

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